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Boosting uptake and increasing referrals
Boosting uptake and increasing referrals

Top tips for increasing referrals by becoming an employer of choice. Plus new features to boost uptake with minimal admin effort

Rosie Britton avatar
Written by Rosie Britton
Updated over 12 months ago

Key takeaways

Becoming an employer of choice will mean existing staff feel comfortable referring friends and family members for jobs within your organisation. But being an employer of choice is not all about rates of pay. Things like a strong, supportive culture, leadership style and employee appreciation and engagement all affect how your employees perceive your organisation, and how likely they are to refer friends for jobs.

Pre-authorising staff to register for Care Friends continues to be the most impactful way to encourage your staff to register for Care Friends. It also gives you the opportunity to take advantage of some brilliant new and existing features:

NEW resources

As always, If you need any help or guidance, you can chat with us via the green help icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.


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