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Insights explained

A rundown of the insights page and the data this displays

Lou Turner avatar
Written by Lou Turner
Updated over 5 months ago

When you visit the insights page, you will see various statistics that provide valuable information about your Care Friends account. These stats are designed to help you better understand your users' activity and performance as well as how many fantastic candidates have been reached via shares from the app 🀩

This article will highlight some key areas of the insights page that you may find useful:

1.Total interviews - This is the total number of interviews that had a successful outcome, currently visible in your live or starters tab in your candidate area.

2. Total value of all points awarded - This is the total value of all the points you've awarded to your staff- this includes referral points, shares and bonus points.

πŸ’‘Top Tip: Divide the 'total value of points awarded' by the 'total recruited' to calculate your expected cost per hire.

3. Total views - The total number of clicks on a shared link, regardless of whether the same subscriber clicked multiple times

4. Unique views - The number of potential candidates who clicked on a campaign, regardless of how many times each job link was clicked. Unique clicks are a valuable metric for understanding how many prospective new candidates your job links are reaching 😁

5. Active users - Users who have shared a job from the app with their friends at least once in the last 3 months.

6. Total Eligible - This number relates to the total number of candidates who have been marked as either contacted - suitable to progress or contacted - unsuitable to progress in your candidate area. To break this number down again, you can view the total number of Live candidates under the Live tab and candidates deemed unsuitable to progress under the Archived tab.

❗Just to note: If you delete a candidate from the portal this will reduce the total interviews, applications and eligible and recruited numbers displayed on the insights page.

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