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Adding a job

Add a job to your portal, ready for app users to share

Em Powell avatar
Written by Em Powell
Updated yesterday

Adding a job - a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: First, head to the jobs section of your portal and select 'Add a new job':

Step 2: In Key details enter the key job info and then click 'Next':

šŸ’”Top tip: When sharing a job, the title will be seen first along with your image so make sure the job title is informative and eye-catching to encourage people to open the link and read the rest of the advert.

Example of how a job will display when shared on Facebook. Carer with pink hair and blue tunic assisting an elderly gentleman sitting in a red chair to shave his face

Step 3: In Pay and hours enter the hours' details (you can use numbers or words here). Then enter a pay rate by selecting either yearly, monthly, weekly, or hourly from the drop-down menu and add the minimum and maximum pay values. Alternatively, if you'd prefer not to reveal the pay rate, you can select 'do not specify' from the drop-down menu, then click Next:

Step 4: In Description & Media click browse or drag and drop an image into the feature image box.

You can also add a Vimeo, YouTube short or YouTube video link to the 'Feature video' section.

šŸ’”Top Tip! Videos and photos are a great way to make your job ad stand out when shared, especially on social media!

ā—To display correctly, the image must be 1200 x 628 px or smaller.

Under the 'Description' heading enter a friendly job description (check out our suggested job ad wording here) then click Next:

Step 5: On Job Settings' select if you would like the question 'Do you have a driver's licence and access to a car for work?' added to the expression of interest form completed by the new candidates.

ā—Just to add: For organisations based in the Republic Of Ireland or Australia, the question will reflect your country.

If you'd like to auto-reject any candidates who answer that they do not live and have the right to live in the country or are non-drivers, select the option with (auto-reject):

Selecting an auto-reject option will ensure:

  • The candidate will not come through to your candidate area - saving your recruiterā€™s time.

  • The referrer will not receive any points for the expression of interest - so you only pay points for eligible candidates.

  • The candidate will receive a friendly email to inform them that only applicants who are living and have the right to work in the same country as your organisation, or a non driver (as applicable) can progress.

ā—Please note: If the toggle remains OFF, then even if a candidate answers that they do not live and have the right to work in the country and/or are a non-driver the applications will appear in the candidate list as usual and the referrer will receive the expression of interest points.

Want to edit a question? Click HERE to find out how. Select plan users can also add new questions šŸ¤© Click HERE to learn more.

Step 6: Use the drop-down menu under 'Who would you like to be notified of new candidates?' to select the admin user who you would like to receive an email notification when someone expresses interest in the job.

šŸ’”Top tip: To prevent any delays in contacting candidates (particularly if a user is on leave), we recommend always setting up at least 2 users to receive email notifications.

Under 'Who would you like to be notified when starters reach their retention milestone?' use the drop-down menu to select which admin user you would like to be notified via email when the starter reaches the 'still in post' milestone. This admin user should be able to confirm if the starter is still in post:

Step 7: Click 'Finish'

Step 8: Activate the job to send it to the app - search for the job you have just added > click on the three-dot menu icon next to the job > click activate:

You can then preview the job advert by clicking on the job title.

If you need to make any changes to the job, simply select edit in the three-dot menu and follow the steps.

And that's it! You've added and activated a new job and app users will receive a notification to let them know:

Screenshot of how the push notification displays on your mobile.

If you have any questions about this or anything else, please get in touch by clicking on the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.

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