Your organisation logo will appear in various parts of your app user and candidate journeys. Here are some insights into the places that your logo will feature:
Job adverts:
Potential candidates will see the logo on shared job adverts:
Thank you message and email received by candidates:
The logo appears on the thank you screen that appears after a candidate submits their details:
The candidate will also receive a thank you email featuring your logo:
App welcome message:
When a user first logs into the app they will receive a welcome message and as a default, the image will be the organisation logo.
If you would like to change this to another image, please click HERE
Invite link registration page:
If you use the invite link for new starters to register themselves for the app then the logo will appear on the page where they enter their details:
App log-in OTP code email:
When an app user logs into the app using their email address they will be emailed a one-time passcode that they will then enter on the app in order to log in:
If you have any questions about where your logo features or anything else, simply click the chat button in the bottom right corner of your screen and we will be happy to help.
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