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Activating a job

How to activate a job so that it displays in the app for staff to share

Em Powell avatar
Written by Em Powell
Updated over 2 months ago

Jobs need to be made 'active' in order for them to display in the app. This guide will show you how to do this.

Step 1: Head to the jobs section of your portal.

Step 2: Click on the 3 dot menu icon next to the job you would like to activate, if you would like to activate multiple jobs click HERE:

Step 3: Select 'Activate'. The job status will now display as active:

That's it! You've activated a new job and app users will receive a notification to let them know that they can get sharing!

If you would like to make the job inactive, simply click on the three-dot menu icon and select 'deactivate'.

If you have any questions about activating a job or anything else, please contact us by clicking on the chat icon at the bottom right of your screen.

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