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App Registration 101

Trouble shooting tips to help you reach your next app registration milestone

Nicola Ricketts avatar
Written by Nicola Ricketts
Updated over a week ago

Are you striving to reach your next app registration milestone (10%, 25%, 50% or 80%+ of your team registered for Care Friends)?

Watch the bitesize video below for some quick-fire troubleshooting including:

  • Most common reasons why staff haven't downloaded the app and how to overcome them

  • Speedy ways to tackle app registration glitches

  • How to reach up to 95% app registration rate at your next staff event

Key tips and resources

  • Tips for Champions Helpsheet is your go-to printable handout that will support you with explaining the benefits of Care Friends + effectively handle any reasons for not downloading - including "I don't use social media" and "I'm worried about having a work app on my personal phone"


  • If any of your staff 'don't do tech' you can still manage all their referrals and bonus points through Care Friends making it a one-stop-shop for everything referral related and cutting down on admin effort for you.

  • If your staff get a "please speak to your manager for help" message when they try to register, you can support them by:

  • Reach up to 95% of your staff registered for Care Friends at your next staff event using our NEW presentation.
    For extra impact, bring your leaderboard up on screen to see the shares going up and create some healthy competition!

As always, we are here to help you get the most out of Care Friends - click the chat icon in the bottom right corner of your screen and connect with our friendly Support Team.

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